Is the hyperbolic sine Fourier series a convergent series?

 Is the hyperbolic sine Fourier series a convergent series?



The convergence of a Fourier series depends on the properties of the function being represented. The hyperbolic sine function, sinh(𝑥), is an odd and unbounded function, defined as:


To determine if the Fourier series of sinh(𝑥) converges, we need to analyze how the Fourier series is defined for this particular function.

Fourier Series on Finite Interval

If we consider the Fourier series representation of sinh(𝑥) on a finite interval [𝐿,𝐿], we express the function in terms of sines and cosines (or equivalently in complex exponential form):


where the coefficients 𝑐𝑛 are given by:


Convergence on Finite Interval

On a finite interval [𝐿,𝐿], the Fourier series for sinh(𝑥) will converge, typically in the mean square sense (L² convergence). The convergence properties can be examined more closely using results from Fourier analysis:

  1. Piecewise Continuity: sinh(𝑥) is continuous and differentiable everywhere.

  2. Square Integrability: On any finite interval [𝐿,𝐿], sinh(𝑥) is square integrable because:


Given these properties, the Fourier series of sinh(𝑥) on a finite interval will converge to sinh(𝑥) at almost every point within that interval, and uniformly on any closed subinterval within [𝐿,𝐿].

Fourier Series on Infinite Interval

If we were to consider the Fourier series representation of sinh(𝑥) on the whole real line (which is less common), we'd typically use the Fourier transform rather than a Fourier series because sinh(𝑥) is unbounded as 𝑥±.


For the practical purposes of most applications involving Fourier series (such as signal processing or solving differential equations on finite intervals), the Fourier series representation of sinh(𝑥) on a finite interval [𝐿,𝐿] is convergent.

Therefore, the hyperbolic sine Fourier series is convergent on any finite interval.

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