How do you write 12 1/2 percent as a fraction?

 How do you write 12 1/2 percent as a fraction?💝

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Mathe Solution Here.👇👇

To write 12 1/2 percent as a fraction, follow these steps:

  1. Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction:

    • The mixed number 12 1/2 can be written as 12+12.
    • Convert 12 to a fraction: 12=121.
    • Add the fractions:
  2. Convert the improper fraction to a percentage fraction:

    • 12 1/2 percent is 252 percent.
    • Percent means "per hundred," so divide by 100:
  3. Simplify the fraction:

    • Simplify 25200:

So, 12 1/2 percent as a fraction is 18.


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